Also recently fell in love with a band Maps and Atlases. Really some wild musicians, reminds me a lot of modest mouse. Speaking of music, Converge april 4th srsly.
I've been pretty busy doing all kinds of paintings for eric and nancy. Nancy has been out for the passed 3 weeks due to pnemonia though, and she won't be back for another 2 weeks at the least. Hopfully she will be feeling better soon. Life's been real stressful the passed few weeks, heres hoping next week will be better.

Here's an in class painting from my illustration class. Wasn't able to finish it but I'm still relatively happy with the outcome.

And here is yet another self portrait. This one for my Illustration class. Not quite finished yet but here's where I'm at so far. 16x20 acrylic on canvas. Should crank this out soon I've just been having a real difficult time making myself do another self portrait after just doing 4 for other classes.